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Our Community 

With a footprint spanning various parts of eastern and northern Australia, we’re a proud member of hundreds of wonderful and diverse local communities to whom we help bring energy into their homes and businesses every day. 


Partnering for good

To us, being a good neighbour means helping to improve the welfare and wellbeing of our customers and local communities. So each year, we partner with, sponsor, and donate to a range of not-for-profit and community organisations that support people living in the communities where we operate.

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Community grants

What’s important to the people who live and work in our local areas is important to us. Through our Community Grants Program, we provide financial support to charities and not-for-profit organisations and causes that make a real difference to local communities.

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Giving back

Through our corporate volunteering program all of our team members have the opportunity to spend one full day or two half-days per year volunteering, helping with activities like preparing nutritious meals for community members in need, local environmental clean-up days, fundraising drives and more.  

We’re also proud to provide workplace giving and a rangeof community programs that offer donations to causes our people regularly volunteer with or support outside of work – from memorial walks to local sports clubs, foodbanks, scouts, mental health organisations and more. Emergency Service volunteers can also apply for a $1,000 donation to support their local Unit. 

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Our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan

Jemena has a proud history of partnering with Aboriginal communities throughout the development of major projects, like our Northern Gas Pipeline. With a footprint in most States and Territories across Australia, we have the opportunity to build many positive and long standing relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

We have a strong desire to continue to build on these foundations through the commitments we make in our inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan. The RAP is a significant milestone as we continue to play our role in reconciliation in this country. 

Download our plan


Our position on Modern Slavery

We are opposed to all forms of modern slavery and forced labour in our industry, our business operations, and in the operations of our suppliers. We are committed to ensuring that modern slavery is not present within our business and supply chains.

What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery is an umbrella term for situations in which a person is forcibly or subtly controlled by an individual or a group, for the purpose of exploitation. Modern slavery can happen in a variety of ways, such as forced labour, child labour, human trafficking, debt slavery, deceptive recruiting for labour and/or services, and exploitation of minimum wage requirements.

We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and we are committed to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains, consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).

Launch of our third Modern Slavery Statement

In June 2023, our Group submitted our third Modern Slavery Statement to the Commonwealth Government in line with our reporting requirements under the Modern Slavery Act 2018. Our statement outlines the steps we’ve taken to date to mitigate modern slavery risks across our supply chains, while also detailing the actions we plan to take in the future as we continue to assess and address modern slavery risks.

Our second statement continues to build on the strong work led by the Energy Procurement Supply Association, who, together with our Group and other members of the energy industry, developed Respecting Human Rights in Our Supply Chain – a practical guide to understanding and addressing the issues and risks associated with modern slavery.

Together these documents reflect our commitment to mitigating modern slavery risk, which in 2018 – according to the Global Slavery Index – impacted over 40.3 million people globally, including at least 15,000 people in Australia who were living in conditions of modern slavery.

Download our Modern Slavery Statement



Energy underpins our lives; it heats our homes, powers our economy, and charges our phones. As a leading energy infrastructure company we’re committed to providing our customers with reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy.

Our 2022 Sustainability Report outlines our activities and achievements for that year, including:

  • the support we provided to the people and communities where we operate,
  • how we’re contributing to a low-carbon future and protecting our environment, and
  • the work we’ve done to make energy more affordable, while also ensuring it remains reliable, for everyday Australians.

Visit our Sustainability Hub


Sustainability reports

Download our 2022 Sustainability Report here

Download our 2021 Sustainability Report here

Download our 2020 Sustainability Report here

Download our 2019 Sustainability Report here